The sky is not the limit

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Smart Man Media

Video Production

When you are Shooting For the moon

In the Beginning...

When it comes to creating visual art,
the ultimate goal is to make the most memorable viewing experience. There is no formula that applies to all productions; it is a creative process that's based on research & planning, scriptwriting, and pre-production to make sure your message is heard loud and clear within your production scale.
Smart Man Media’s creative team will compose a unique script that is tailored to your message while respectfully representing your brand, a script that will move, excite, and influence your customers to engage with your business.


Production Launch

Video production has a lot of variables to be considered. At Smart Man Media, we’ll make sure that all the moving parts are moving in the right direction. Our team is experienced in all kinds of productions, from small to large, encompassing the process of casting, location scouting, and all other production solutions.

Production Launch

Video production has a lot of variables to be considered. At Smart Man Media, we’ll make sure that all the moving parts are moving in the right direction. Our team is experienced in all kinds of productions, from small to large, encompassing the process of casting, location scouting, and all other production solutions.

Final Frontier

Welcome to the post-production stage. This is where the magic happens. Literally. At this stage we add special effects, motion graphics, color grading techniques, CGI, and all the right components to bring the wow factor to your project.  Now all it takes is one small step from you.


And... Action!

Smart Studios

Studio Production Video Commercials

Using our in-house professional studio, we can generate beautiful imagery on demand. Studio productions provide a controlled environment that can be manipulated to any situation.

Smart Commercial

Lifestyle Video Commercials

What better way to represent your message than to associate it with a captivating lifestyle commercial that gives your customers a positive and relatable experience.

Smart Local

Brick & Mortar Video Commercials

Shine the spotlight on your business! Feature your physical location with your staff or actors promoting your services / products to your local community and beyond.

Smart Motion

Motion Graphics Video Commercials

Excite your customers with engaging 3D animation and professional visual effects. Motion graphics videos on their own often require less production and still generate a huge impact.

Smart Instruction

Infomercials & Instructional Videos

Finding an interesting and stimulating way to deliver your informative videos, such as how-to’s, assembly instructions, and educational tutorials, is our specialty.

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